Our Values Are:
Our leadership is to inspire the youth to be self-determining in fulfilling their personal leadership purpose for excellence in their career development. When we talk about a transformational leadership. It is someone who think solution, place high esteem on the values of fairness, integrity, wisdom and have the great ambition to serve all with high aims. We need to aim high with precision and prudency. Throughout the history of life. The battle has always been the battlefield of the mind. And when your mind is conquered, then you ain’t go nowhere. There is the need to empower our young ones to stand tall in leading. The approaches to youth leadership need to be cultivated at the levels of individual skills, collective process, and youth adult-partnership. To motivate, shape and educate the youth in Ghana to be capable of leading and managing their own affairs successfully.
Our integrity & discipline thrives in quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that nourish and establish the youth to stand tall in leadership, and parenting for excellence. Moreover, to be discipline in training which produce obedience through the willingness to obey and self-control. Self-control as in the ability to control ourselves even in difficult situations. We hold on to such standard of integrity & discipline with the determination not to lower our standards.
Our fidelity to humanity with incredible lasting support, sacrifices and honesty is of high esteem. A heartfelt action for the youth in Ghana to be model leaders and parents in the development of Ghana for excellence in Africa. You cannot love without love. Therefore, we first appreciate who we are and bloom for the best at all times. In fact, love is the core foundation of GYD Network. The love for you, Ghana and Africa.
Excellence is our hallmark. We inspire the youth to be successful in their sovereign leadership. Success: Remember we have a choice: you either define success in your own terms or end up working towards someone else’s definition. The richest people are not in the graveyard, they are the same people out there or will come. Think about the value added life. You cannot die like a fly. Think and define success in your own terms and work toward to it. The world must feel you. That is the excellence in elevation and the value added life we advocate for as an organization.
To provide community service in shaping, inspiring and influencing the opinion and behavior of our young ones by showing them the way of advancing in leadership skills, developing them to be posterity leaders in Ghana to be independent and self-confident in the nation building.